APA is thrilled to partner with Florida International University and Loyola University Chicago to implement Prosecutorial Performance Indicators (PPIs) and develop dashboards in prosecutors’ offices nationwide.
PPIs are a suite of modern indicators for prosecutors committed to measuring effectiveness, efficiency and fairness. PPIs act as an office management, performance measurement, and accountability and transparency tool. These measures can help office executives, especially mid-level management, to understand trends of their decision making. While each individual case needs to be assessed to determine the just and most appropriate outcome, it is important to also examine the cumulative effect of these decisions over time.
With a menu of 55 indicators, PPIs measure trends and performance that emphasize the values of community well-being, prosecutorial integrity, racial equity, and effective use of resources. The PPIs are organized under three goals and nine objectives:

Community Involvement
Prosecutors’ offices are encouraged to consult community and advocacy groups as they identify local priorities and develop policy solutions, particularly around community engagement, racial disparities, substance use and drug overdose, and mental health diversion. Community groups can also help select and customize specific indicators for a given jurisdiction. These groups will provide useful perspectives on how to deal with problems, as well as strengthen community buy-in and trust as prosecutorial offices implement new policies. Prosecutors are also encouraged to establish a community advisory board to regularly discuss trends in PPIs.
This partnership is generously supported by the MacArthur Foundation Safety & Justice Challenge.