10/17/2024 - 10/17/20243:00pm ET
[Webinar] How Emergency Exceptions to Abortion Bans Pose Ethical Problems for US Doctors in a Post-Roe World
Experts will discuss the negative impact of post-Roe emergency exceptions to abortion bans and the very difficult situations they pose for healthcare providers.
10/21/2024 - 10/21/20243:00pm ET
[Webinar] Addressing Case Backlogs: Gallatin County Office of the County Attorney
The office will provide an overview of the issues they have been facing, solutions and other efforts implemented, impacts, and lessons learned.
11/07/2024 - 11/07/20243:00pm ET
[Webinar] Complex Homicide and Vicarious Trauma and Victimization
Secondary trauma and victimization aka vicarious victimization isn’t foreign to prosecutors, advocates and staff members. Those feelings of stress, burn out, physical and emotional exhaustion, can and do happen, and often with what seems to be no warning. It’s time to tackle the reality of vicarious victimization with information that will assist in identification, provide tools to help get one through, and ways to build support within agencies.
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